I am passionate about advancing diversity & inclusion in public policy and providing a platform for those who are underrepresented in decision-making processes. Diversity includes many dimensions such as age, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, race and disability as well as intersecting forms of discrimination. Diverse, multi-perspective and inter-disciplinary teams are not only imperative for a just and equitable world, they drive innovation and change. My goal is to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and increase representation on all levels.
Below you will find a selection of recent projects, cooperations and press articles.
Feature: Frankfurter Rundschau "Den Wandel von innen anstoßen" (Changing narratives from within)
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"Tiaji Sio hat keinen Adelstitel. Trotzdem ist sie Beamtin im gehobenen Dienst im Auswärtigen Amt und vertritt das Netzwerk „Diplomats of Color“. Mit Gleichgesinnten hat sie die Initiative als interne Interessenvertretung Mitte 2019 gegründet. Sie habe einen offenen Diskurs über Rassismus im Bundesministerium schaffen, erzählt sie im Gespräch mit der FR, und zugleich einem Widerspruch entgegenwirken wollen: „Die deutsche Gesellschaft ist vielfältig und divers, aber genau diese Vielfalt spiegelt sich in der Verwaltung nicht wider.“ Damit, ist sie überzeugt, werde die Bundesverwaltung dem demokratischen Anspruch nicht gerecht, die gesamte Gesellschaft zu vertreten."
Feature: People of tomorrow
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"The young diplomat has been active against racism and for inclusion not only since the Black Lives Matter protests in the USA; in 2019 she and her colleagues at the Federal Foreign Office founded the diversity network “Diplomats of Colour”. Their motto: Representation matters! Because: “You can’t be what you can’t see”. Their goal: to show, through visibility, that BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, people of colour) and other marginalized groups are welcome in the federal administration. At the end of 2020 Forbes recognized their efforts with a place on its “30 under 30” list."
Video Statement for the Federal Foreign Office on Diversity Day
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Interview with the Canadian Embassy in Berlin on Diversity and Diplomacy
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Interview with TAZ Newspaper
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Interview about the Diplomats of Color network for vBOBcast
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Cooperation with Minister of State Michael Roth, the Federal Foreign Office Human Resource Spokesperson and Siemens Diversity Manager Katja Ploner
Cooperation between Diplomats of Color and Minister of State Niels Annen
Feminist Vision
In 2017, I participated in the 61st United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York City as a Youth Observer selected by the German United Nations Association. In New York, a group a young feminists decided to collect and portray feminist visions. Have a look at the website below!